Introduction of Revit Structure
Revit Structure is Autodesk's BIM software solution for Structural Engineering Firms and Structural Engineers. It includes a Feature-Rich tool set for driving efficient design processes in a BIM (Building Information Modelling) context, as well as when working with other Autodesk construction disciplines.
Scope of Course Revit Structure
Create detailed 3D models for concrete RCC, steel and wooden structures.
Prepare detailed shop drawing documents, connect steel design workflows and create accurate steel and concrete models.
Understand the placement of beams, slabs and rebars and easily calculate their dimensions.
Learn important aspects of construction, such as the Bar Bending Schedule (BBS).
Work with isolated foundations, piles, and create an in-place foundation for a custom pad foundation.
Learn to create foundation slab types and work with slab edges to strengthen the foundation of a structure.
Revit Structure
₹ 12400
40 Hours
Syllabus for Revit Structure Courses in Hyderabad
Session 1:
Introduction to Autodesk Revit Structure
About Structural Elements
Structural Templates
Starting a new project
Placing structural objects as per guidelines
Drawing aids
Project units
Linking CAD files.
Linking and importing Revit files
Session 2:
Levels: Structural objects - adding up levels, Creating levels, Modifying levels.
Template Creation: Creating view templates, Applying and assigning view templates, Understanding visibility and graphics overrides.
Grid : Creating grids, Modifying grids
Session 3:
Structural Elements: Modeling structural columns, Modifying structural columns, Placing structural columns as per drawing, Placing structural beams, Modifying structural beams, Beam – column joins
Structural Framing: Modeling structural beam system, Modifying structural beam system
Structural walls & floors: Creating structural walls, Modifying structural walls, Creating structural floors, Modifying structural floors
Session 4:
Steel Modeling: Placing steel columns and beams, Placing bracing system, Modifying bracing system, placing structural trusses, Modifying structural trusses
Structural Foundations: About structural foundation walls, Placing and modifying structural foundation walls, About wall footings, Modeling types of footings, Modifying wall footings
Session 5:
Structural slabs & openings: About structural slabs, modeling structural slabs as per load distribution, modeling structural slabs, creating openings on structural elements.
Structural reinforcement: About structural reinforcement, Adding rebars on structural elements, Modifying rebars, Reinforcing walls, floors and slabs
Session 6:
Structural Analysis – Analytical model: Placing loads, Boundary conditions and settings, Preparing projects for structural analysis, Viewing analytical projects, Adjusting analytical projects
Session 7:
Creating views: Duplicating views, Adding callout views, Elevations and sections ,
Creating Details: Setting up detail views, Adding detail components, Annotating details
Construction Documents: Working with dimensions, Working with text adding tags, Adding detail lines and symbols, Creating legends, Setting up sheets, Placing and modifying view on sheets
Session 8:
Scheduling: Structural schedules, Graphic column schedules, Working with schedules, Importing and exporting schedules
Family Creation: Column creation, Beam creation
Session 9:
Family creation: Creation of piles, Creating trusses
Exporting Files: Exporting to CAD formats, Exporting to IFC, Exporting to DWF/Dxf, Printing sheets
Session 10:
Project: Structure final project
FAQs on Revit Structure Course
Do structural engineers use Revit?
Revit allows structural engineers to create their models and documentation in an advanced BIM environment.
Can Revit do structural design?
Key capabilities of Revit for structural engineering
Create detailed reinforcement designs and shop drawing documentation with rebar bending schedules. Connect steel design and detailing workflows. Define design intent for a higher level of detail for steel connections in the Revit model.
Can Revit do structural analysis?
Conduct structural analysis and export to analysis and design applications with the analytical model while you create the physical model in Revit.
Is Revit for civil engineers?
Civil engineers can use Revit to accurately streamline data with architectural and MEP teams. A structural model can be created by the accurate placement of beams and columns.
Which is better CAD or Revit?
The biggest difference is that AutoCAD is CAD software and Revit is software for BIM. While AutoCAD is a general drawing tool with broad application, Revit is a design and documentation solution, supporting all phases and disciplines involved in a building project.
Can Revit replace AutoCAD?
Over time, Revit can replace AutoCAD. Some criticism of Revit is that it feels like putting the cart before the horse if using it for Schematic Design, but by starting conceptual workflows in FormIt, designers can transfer their schematic designs much more fluidly into Revit for documentation.
What is the full form of BIM?
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the foundation of digital transformation in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry.
Is BIM a good career?
When BIM effectively saves a significant amount of time and money, BIM professionals have become very valuable to the industry. Being an established practice for decades, there are many niches in this profession.
Which is better Civil 3D or Revit?
Reviewers felt that Revit meets the needs of their business better than Civil 3D. When comparing quality of ongoing product support, reviewers felt that Revit is the preferred option. For feature updates and roadmaps, our reviewers preferred the direction of Revit over Civil 3D.
What is the full form of Revit?
The ease of making changes inspired the name Revit, a contraction of Revise-Instantly. At the heart of Revit is a parametric change propagation engine that relied on a new technology, context-driven parametrics, that was more scalable than the variational and history-driven parametrics used in mechanical CAD software.
Your Instructor
Bhargava Krishna
Meet our Civil CAD expert, with over 8 years of experience in the field, they bring a wealth of knowledge and hands-on expertise to the classroom. They have been trained in the latest tools and techniques in the industry, including AutoCAD, Revit, SketchUP, and StaadPro. Their passion for teaching and design shines through in their lessons, making complex concepts easy to understand and retain. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced engineer, our instructor will guide you through each step of the process and help you build your skillset to reach your goals. They believe in a hands-on approach to learning and will provide ample opportunities for you to apply what you learn through real-world projects and simulations. Join us for a comprehensive and enjoyable learning experience, and take your Civil CAD skills to the next level.