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What is CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing)? A Detailed Guide for Mechanical Engineers

Updated: May 27

What is CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing)?

Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) refers to using computer software and automated machinery to assist in the manufacturing of products. Where CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software is used to create digital prototypes and designs, CAM takes those digital files and converts them into real, physical products.

CAM utilizes computer numerical control (CNC) and automation to direct manufacturing tools like CNC mills, lathes, routers, lasers and 3D printers to transform raw materials into finished components. By using programmed commands, CAM systems direct the machines to cut, shape, join, finish and assemble parts automatically based on the CAD models.

The key difference between CAD and CAM is:

  • CAD focuses on the design, prototyping and simulation stages. CAD allows products to be designed, tested and optimized digitally.

  • CAM focuses on the manufacturing stage. It takes the final CAD designs and automates the fabrication and assembly of real, physical products.

Together, CAD and CAM streamline and automate the product development process from initial concept to finished product manufacturing. CAM software allows rapid, efficient and accurate conversion of CAD models into manufactured components.

Components of a CAM System

Computer-aided manufacturing relies on three core components working together:

  • CAM software - This is the brain of the operation, generating machining instructions and code (called G-code) to control the CNC machines. Popular CAM software packages include Autodesk Fusion 360, Mastercam, SolidCAM, and FeatureCAM. The CAM software takes CAD models as input and allows you to program toolpaths, speeds, feed rates, and other parameters.

  • CNC machinery - Computer numerical control (CNC) machines like mills, lathes, routers, and 3D printers execute the programmed instructions to physically manufacture components. CNC machines are able to translate instructions into precise movements thanks to numeric control. Common CNC machines used with CAM include vertical mills, CNC routers, Swiss lathes, and machining centers.

  • 3D models from CAD - The 3D models designed in CAD (computer-aided design) software serve as the starting point for CAM. Common CAD file formats used in CAM include STEP, IGES, and STL. The CAM system uses these CAD models to generate the toolpaths for fabrication. Accurate CAD models are critical for CAM to successfully manufacture the part design.

CAM combines these key elements - 3D CAD models, CAM programming software, and CNC machines - to take digital designs and automatically transform them into physical products with consistent quality and precision. The synergy between design, software automation, and advanced fabrication machinery is what makes computer-aided manufacturing so powerful.

Types of CAM Software

There are several popular CAM software platforms used in industry today. Here are some of the top options:


The software is focused on 2-axis machining operations like milling, turning, and drilling. It takes 2D design geometry as input. 2D CAM is simpler and often more affordable than 3D CAM.


Software can program complex 3 to 5-axis machining centers using 3D models. It provides more sophisticated toolpath generation and simulation. 3D CAM is required for machining complex curved surfaces.

Master cam

Master cam is one of the most widely used CAM software programs for machining jobs. It is developed by CNC Software Inc. Mastercam has strong machining capabilities for milling, turning, routing, plasma cutting and more. It offers 2D and 3D CAD functions for designing parts within the software. Mastercam is used across many industries including automotive, aerospace, medical devices and consumer products.

Solidworks CAM

Solidworks CAM, also known as HSMWorks, is a CAM solution that is fully integrated with Solidworks CAD software. It allows designers to program toolpaths directly from their Solidworks 3D models. Solidworks CAM is known for its easy-to-use interface, making CAM more accessible to designers without extensive programming experience. It also has many automated features to help streamline CAM workflows.

Fusion 360 CAM

Fusion 360 from Autodesk is a cloud-based CAD/CAM/CAE software that combines design, engineering and manufacturing in one platform. The Fusion 360 CAM workspace allows you to program toolpaths directly from 3D CAD models. It supports 2.5-axis to 5-axis milling, turning, and CNC programming. Fusion 360 aims to make CAM programming available to makers and small businesses at an affordable price point.


FeatureCAM by Autodesk is stand-alone CAM software focused on automated feature-based machining. It uses interactive feature recognition to automatically select optimal toolpaths and machining strategies based on the 3D model geometry. This makes the CAM programming process significantly faster and easier. FeatureCAM excels at complex production work for mills, lathes, and wire EDM.

CAM and CAD Integration

Computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) work hand-in-hand to streamline the design to production workflow. CAD software is used to create digital 3D models of products and components. These CAD files then serve as the starting point for CAM.

CAM software takes the CAD model and converts it into a format that contains the necessary instructions for manufacturing. Common CAM file formats include .STL, .STEP, .IGES, and .DXF. These files describe the geometry of the part to be made.

STL (stereolithography) files are one of the most widely used CAD to CAM format. STL files approximate the surfaces of CAD models using triangular mesh facets. These triangle meshes allow CAM software to understand the shape and dimensions of the 3D model.

Other CAD to CAM formats like STEP and IGES preserve CAD model information like features, sketches, and parametric data. This additional data can make subsequent CAD model edits easier.

Once the CAD file has been converted to a CAM file format, the CAM programming can begin. CAM software analyzes the model geometry to automatically calculate efficient toolpaths for machining the part. The CAM programmer can then simulate and verify these toolpaths before sending the final code to the CNC machine for production.

Overall, the ability to convert CAD designs into CAM programming is vital for manufacturing automation. Without this transition, production would require extensive manual programming for each individual part. CAD to CAM data exchange helps streamline digital designs into physical products.

Benefits of Using CAM

CAM provides numerous benefits that have revolutionized manufacturing:

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

CAM automates many time-consuming elements of production, allowing manufacturers to achieve much higher efficiency and throughput. Instead of needing skilled technicians to manually program and operate machines, CAM handles these tasks through automated software. This results in faster production times and higher productivity. Companies can manufacture significantly more products in less time with CAM.

Faster Production Times

By automating programming and setup, CAM substantially reduces production times. What once took hours or days to set up can be done instantly with CAM software. The CNC machining itself is also faster, as CAM optimizes toolpaths for quick fabrication. Products can go from design to completion in a fraction of the time.

Reduced Material Waste and Human Error

Manual programming and machining often leads to human errors, wasted materials from mistakes, and suboptimal toolpaths. CAM eliminates guesswork and provides precise optimized instructions to the machines. Scrap waste is minimized, saving manufacturers money. Defect rates also go down through accurate automated programming.

Lower Labor Costs

CAM reduces the labor costs associated with production by lowering the needed man-hours through increased efficiency and automation. Less skilled programmers and operators are needed. The automation of CAM allows manufacturers to reduce labor expenses and overhead.

Improved Quality

The toolpaths generated by CAM software are far more precise than what humans can produce manually. This results in higher accuracy, more consistent quality, and lower defect rates. CAM eliminates human error in programming and enables more complex geometries. The end product is higher quality parts produced faster.

Reduced Costs

By increasing efficiency and quality, CAM directly reduces operating costs. Less programming time, faster machining, lower scrap rates, and reduced idle time of CNC machines all contribute to cost savings. CAM automation also minimizes the need for highly skilled programmers, further reducing labor costs.

Design Flexibility

CAM software can produce toolpaths for geometries too complex for manual programming. This provides greater design freedom and flexibility for engineers and designers. Products can be optimized for function rather than ease of manufacturing. CAM enables innovative designs with complex curves, organic shapes, and internal features.

In summary, the automation and optimization provided by CAM leads to faster production, lower costs, improved quality, and expanded design capabilities. CAM removes barriers and bottlenecks in manufacturing, allowing businesses to be more responsive, efficient, and competitive.

CAM Automation Capabilities

CAM software automates a wide variety of manufacturing processes that were previously done manually. This allows parts and products to be fabricated significantly faster, with more precision and less human error.

Some of the key manufacturing capabilities that can be automated with CAM include:

CNC Milling

  • CNC milling machines can automatically cut, drill and shape metal, plastic or wood components based on CAM toolpaths.

  • The CAM programming will control the milling tool selection, speeds, feed rates, depth of cuts etc.

  • CNC mills can create complex 3D surfaces, pockets, slots and holes with precision and repeatability.

CNC Turning

  • CNC lathes rotate the workpiece while automated cutting tools shape the material.

  • CAM is used to control the lathe tools, speeds and feeds.

  • Capabilities include facing, boring, threading, chamfering, grooving etc.

Laser/Waterjet Cutting

  • Laser cutters and waterjets can cut sheet materials based on paths from CAM.

  • This enables quick and accurate cuts for materials like steel, aluminum, wood, plastics, etc.

  • Parts with complex 2D profiles or cutouts can be easily produced.

By utilizing CAM-controlled automation for processes like milling, turning and cutting, manufacturers can achieve shorter lead times, improved quality and reduced costs. Parts can be made 24/7 with minimal human supervision.

What Types of Machines Does CAM Programming Control?

CAM software creates toolpaths and G-code to direct a variety of computer-numerically-controlled (CNC) machines to fabricate parts. Some of the most common types of CNC machines that utilize CAM programming include:

CNC Mills

CNC mills are versatile machines that use rotary cutters to cut, drill, and shape materials like metal, plastic, wood, foam, and more. Different types of mills include vertical mills, horizontal mills, and universal mills. Mills can perform facing, contouring, slotting, pocketing, drilling, and tapping operations. They allow for 3D machining of freeform shapes.

CNC Lathes

CNC lathes are machines that spin the workpiece while a stationary cutting tool is used to cut and shape the material. Operations done on a CNC lathe include facing, turning, drilling, boring, threading, and more. Lathes are ideal for rotating parts and can create cylindrical and conical shapes. Materials machined on lathes include metal, wood, plastics, and composites.

CNC Routers

CNC routers use rotating router bits to cut, carve, drill, and shape materials. They are often used for machining wood, plastic, aluminum, foam, and composites. Applications include sign-making, woodworking, prototyping, inlays, engraving, and sculpting complex 3D objects. Routers provide high precision machining for softer materials.

CNC Lasers

CNC laser cutting machines use a high-power laser beam to precisely cut through sheet materials like steel, stainless steel, aluminum, brass, acrylic, wood, fabrics, etc. Laser cutting can cut complex 2D profiles and parts with fine details and high precision. Lasers produce minimal material waste and need no tooling. CAM programs control the laser path and cutting parameters.

3D Printers

Also known as additive manufacturing, 3D printing builds up parts layer-by-layer from materials like polymers, resins, metals, and composites. 3D printing allows complex geometries to be created without the constraints of traditional machining. It is slower but can produce organic, lightweight parts from CAD models. CAM software prepares toolpaths for each layer to precisely control the printing process.

Skills Needed for CAM

To work with CAM systems, mechanical engineers need a specialized skillset. The main skills required include:

  • 3D Modeling - A strong foundation in 3D CAD modeling is essential. Mechanical engineers need the expertise to design 3D models in software like SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor, or Catia. These models provide the geometry that CAM software references to generate toolpaths and machining instructions.

  • CAM Programming - Proficiency in CAM software is critical to defining manufacturing processes. Mechanical engineers will need to know how to import CAD models, select optimal operations like milling and drilling, and program efficient toolpaths for CNC machines. Learning at least one CAM program like Mastercam or Fusion 360 CAM is a must.

  • CNC Machining - Hands-on experience with computer numerically controlled (CNC) machines enables engineers to understand machining principles and capabilities. This helps in designing for manufacturability and identifying how to machine custom parts. Common CNC machines used with CAM are mills, lathes, routers, grinders, laser cutters, waterjets, and 3D printers.

The combination of strong 3D modeling, CAM programming, and CNC machining skills gives mechanical engineers the foundation to excel at bringing designs from concept to physical production efficiently through CAM software automation. Investing time to learn these core skillsets is essential for engineers looking to leverage the power of computer-aided manufacturing.

Examples of CAM Products

CAM technology is used to manufacture a wide variety of products across many industries. Here are some of the key product categories made using CAM:

Auto Parts

The automotive industry relies heavily on CAM and CNC machining to produce engine components, transmission parts, wheels, and other mechanical parts. CAM programming allows for the mass production of these components with precision, speed, and efficiency. Parts like pistons, valves, brake discs, drive shafts and more are manufactured on CNC machines controlled by CAM.


Printed circuit boards, semiconductor chips, connectors, cases and other electronics components are commonly made with CAM machining. These parts require extremely high precision and benefit from the automation capabilities of CAM. Everything from smartphones to computers use tiny electronics parts made on CAM programmed machines.

Medical Devices

The medical field uses CAM extensively for products like joint replacements, dental implants, surgical instruments, medical tools, body implants and prosthetics. CAM allows medical parts to be expertly machined from materials like titanium, stainless steel, and polymers. Machining human joint replacements is one example requiring highly specialized CAM programming and machinery.

Industries Utilizing CAM Technology

CAM technology has transformed manufacturing across a broad range of industries. Some of the most significant adopters and innovators in CAM are in the aerospace, automotive, medical device, and consumer products sectors.


The aerospace industry relies heavily on CAM and CNC machining to produce tight-tolerance components. Turbine blades, structural components, engine parts, and other critical aerospace parts frequently leverage CAM programming. The complex 3D surfaces and geometries common in aerospace manufacturing would be extremely difficult and prohibitively expensive to produce without CAM. By using CAM, aerospace manufacturers can achieve faster production times, lower costs, and higher quality control.


Major automotive manufacturers and their parts suppliers utilize CAM extensively for machining engine components, transmission parts, chassis and suspension components, etc. The quick turnaround times and high production volumes in the automotive industry require the efficiency of CAM and CNC machining. Automotive CAM programming must also account for specialized fixturing and tooling requirements.

Medical Devices

Precision machined medical devices like orthopedic implants, surgical power tools, and prosthetics are programmed using CAM. Medical device manufacturing often requires biocompatible metals like titanium or cobalt chrome. The organic shapes and small features of medical devices benefit greatly from the CAD to CAM process. CAM enables efficient production of the complex geometries found in medical implants and instruments.

Consumer Products

Countless consumer products from appliances to electronics contain parts produced with CAM machining. Consumer product manufacturers appreciate the quick changeover and flexible production volumes enabled by CAM programming. Plastic injection molds and metal die casts for high volume production lines also leverage CAM for faster, lower cost mold manufacturing. As consumer products become more complex, CAM provides a competitive advantage.

CAM Processes

CAM software is used to generate toolpaths and code to control a wide variety of manufacturing processes on CNC machines. Here are some of the most common CAM machining operations:


Milling is one of the most prevalent CAM processes. It involves using rotary cutters to remove material from the workpiece. Some types of milling operations include:

  • Face milling - machining flat surfaces into the workpiece.

  • Plain milling - cutting along the length of the workpiece.

  • End milling - machining slots, grooves, shoulders and edges.

  • Form milling - creating three-dimensional contoured surfaces.

The milling strategy and toolpaths are programmed in CAM software based on the required part geometry. CAM generates the machine code needed to control the milling cutters and axes.


Turning operations involve rotating the workpiece while a single point cutting tool machines the surface. Turning is commonly used for cylindrical or conical parts. The cutting tool follows a predefined path in relation to the rotating workpiece. CAM is used to program the turning tool motions, depths of cut, feed rates, and other parameters.

EDM - Electrical Discharge Machining

EDM uses electrical discharges to erode conductive materials. A potential difference is created between the workpiece and the electrode which causes sparks that melt and vaporize the workpiece surface. No direct contact is required between the tool and workpiece. CAM programming is critical for achieving the desired EDM machining results.

Additive Manufacturing

3D printing or additive manufacturing builds up parts layer by layer from materials like polymers, metals or ceramics. Instead of removing material, additive processes join materials together. CAM software generates toolpaths for the additive manufacturing system to deposit material precisely along the programmed coordinates.

CAM Operators

Operating a CNC machine and using CAM software requires specialized skills and training. CAM operators need a strong understanding of machining fundamentals, CAD/CAM workflows, G-code programming, and CNC equipment. Here are some of the key skills and training required:

Mechanical and Technical Aptitude

  • Understanding of machining processes like milling, turning, EDM, etc.

  • Knowledge of engineering drawing interpretation

  • Familiarity with machine shop environment and tools

  • Basic computer literacy and willingness to learn CAM software

Math and Analytical Skills

  • Strong math skills for calculations, measurements, and programming

  • Spatial reasoning ability for visualizing parts and toolpaths

  • Analytical thinking to assess and optimize machining operations

Programming Expertise

  • Proficiency in G-code and CNC programming languages

  • Ability to program, simulate, and post-process toolpaths

  • Troubleshooting skills to identify and fix programming errors

Software Skills

  • Learning CAD software to design parts and create models

  • Mastering CAM software for generating machining toolpaths

  • Operating any additional programs like ERP, MES, etc.

Technical Training

  • Formal training program in machining or manufacturing technology

  • On-the-job training under experienced CNC programmers

  • Certifications from industry organizations like NIMS

  • Continuing education on new equipment and CAM software

The best CAM operators combine machining experience, programming expertise, and a willingness to learn. With the right fundamental skills and ongoing training, CAM operators can thrive in the world of computer-aided manufacturing.

CAM Maintenance

Proper maintenance of CNC machines is critical for optimizing CAM operations. Regular preventative maintenance helps ensure accuracy and precision when executing CAM toolpaths.

Machine Calibration

CNC machines can lose calibration over time due to vibration, temperature changes, and normal wear and tear. Recalibrating a CNC machine involves checking and adjusting:

  • Axis alignment - Ensures each axis moves perpendicular to the others. Misaligned axes cause inaccuracies.

  • Backlash - Measures unwanted movement or slack. Too much backlash reduces precision.

  • Ballscrews - Important for axis movement accuracy. Worn ballscrews should be replaced.

  • Spindle runout - Checks that the spindle rotates concentrically. Runout causes vibration and poor surface finish.

Recalibration should be performed every 6-12 months. Daily and weekly maintenance checks help spot issues before they require full recalibration.

Preventative Maintenance

Regular cleaning and lubrication prevents deterioration of CNC machines. Common preventative maintenance tasks include:

  • Cleaning - Removes built-up debris, chips, and grime from moving components.

  • Lubrication - Applies grease or oil to guide rails, ballscrews, gears, etc. Reduces friction and wear.

  • Filter changes - Replaces air, coolant, and oil filters. Ensures contaminants are removed.

  • Component inspection - Checks for damage or excessive wear on parts like belts, motors, and ball screws.

Adhering to preventative maintenance schedules minimizes machine downtime and avoids costly emergency repairs down the road. Keeping records of maintenance work provides valuable insight into a machine's service history.

The Future of CAM

The capabilities of CAM software will continue to expand in the years to come. Further advances and cost reductions in automation, robotics, and AI will enable more manufacturing processes to be completed start-to-finish without human intervention. More accessible and user-friendly cloud-based CAM applications will also emerge, opening up these technologies to more users through subscription apps or pay-as-you-go usage. Small machine shops will be able to implement advanced CAM capabilities without the high equipment costs of the past.

The rise of smart factories and Industry 4.0 will also drive increased adoption of CAM technologies. With the integration of automation, sensors, IoT devices, and data analytics, smart factories allow manufacturing facilities to rapidly adjust and optimize production. This includes the ability to swap out CAM programs on the fly to switch between product configurations or respond to supply chain disruptions. Engineers will be able to remotely monitor machines and manufacturing operations in real-time and make adjustments through connected CAM software.

Ultimately, the goal is to move towards more agile and adaptive manufacturing processes. CAM provides the backbone for this transition. As the technologies continue to develop, CAM will enable increasingly flexible, responsive and efficient production capabilities.

Integration with Automation and IoT

CAM systems will become more integrated with industrial automation, robotics, and internet of things (IoT) infrastructure. This will allow for greater connectivity between CAM software, CNC machines, quality control systems, supply chain logistics, and other aspects of smart factories. Real-time data from IoT sensors can be used to adjust CAM programs on-the-fly.

Cloud-Based and Collaborative CAM

Cloud computing will enable more collaborative CAM workflows, with design teams, manufacturing engineers, programmers, and machinists all accessing a central CAM program simultaneously through web browsers. Machine shops will increasingly adopt cloud-based CAM solutions rather than host software on local servers.

More Accessible and User-Friendly CAM

CAM vendors are focusing on making software easier to use for non-programmers. Simplified programming interfaces, automation, and AI will allow faster CAM programming with less specialized knowledge required. This opens up access to CAM for smaller manufacturers.

Advances in Simulation and Visualization

Improved simulation of machining processes will minimize programming errors and allow visualization of the entire CAM workflow from concept to finished part. Realistic rendering of CNC toolpaths will enable virtual testing and problem solving before any physical cutting.

Growth of Additive Manufacturing CAM

As 3D printing technology advances, CAM programming for additive manufacturing will grow in usage. Complex 3D printed parts can be optimized using specialized CAM software to take advantage of 3D printing capabilities.

Adoption of CAM in Job Shops

Job shops and contract manufacturers will increasingly invest in their own CAM capabilities allowing them to expand services for clients. User-friendly CAM coupled with cheaper CNC machines makes in-house rapid prototyping and custom part machining more viable and profitable.

In summary, CAM is poised to become even more capable, automated, and integral to digital manufacturing. By combining emerging technologies with streamlined workflows, CAM will help manufacturers be more responsive, efficient, and agile.

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